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The 15 Bible Truths of H.O.P.E. that
are Fundamental to the program

  1. Only God knows how to make life work

  2. God’s Word is absolute truth

  3. Addictions come from committing sin

  4. Sin comes from your heart

  5. Sin destroys everything it touches

  6. You can choose the sin, but you can’t choose the consequences

  7. Your sin affects other people

  8. Confession and repentance removes guilt and sin

  9. A believer does not have to be bound by sin

  10. After removing addictions, you must replace them with godly actions

  11. Holding on to anger and bitterness will hinder your life

  12. The company you keep will influence you

  13. Controlling speech helps control the body

  14. Pride produces spiritual failure

  15. Freedom must be maintained

HOPE meetings and materials offer: A faith-based addiction recovery program. A complete curriculum that will show you the truth about your addictions and compulsions and how to succeed in overcoming them. A weekly support group with teaching, encouragement, and accountability. Individual appointments are also available.


“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1

from addictions?